venerdì, gennaio 15, 2010

While ...

...stupid italian politicians are discussing about going or not to go to Hammamet, a republican in the US (apparently a conservative) says that:

Sen. Richard Lugar (Ind.), the ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is pushing for temporary legal status and work permits for as many as 125,000 Haitians living in the United States illegally:

The decision to grant such status rests with the Obama administration. The secretary of homeland security, in consultation with the secretary of state, is authorized to offer "temporary protected status" to illegal immigrants of a particular nationality if a national disaster in their home country makes it dangerous for them to be sent back.

Lugar, a prominent Republican whose foreign policy credentials are widely respected in Congress, said in a statement, "It is in the foreign policy interest of the United States and a humanitarian imperative of the highest order to have all people of Haitian descent in a position to contribute towards the recovery of this island nation."

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